Responsive Design
- Advanced Admin Panel
- Responsive Design
- Retina Ready
- Revolution Slider
- Layer Slider
- Custom Widgets
- Custom Backgrounds
- Advanced Page Options
- Shortcode Generator
- Facebook Comments
- Disqus Comments
- Landing Page
- Coming Soon Page
- Unlimited Colors
- Unlimited Sidebars
- Unlimited Patterns
- Dark & Light Footer
- Boxed & Wide Layout
- 620+ Google Fonts
- Bootstrap Compatible

Ultra Responsive Design
CoWorker is fully responsive to the Core. Each and every element resizes or aligns itself beautifully according to the User’s Viewport and provides rich User Experience. Resize the Browser to see how well CoWorker adapts to all the Screen Sizes. All the Sliders have made responsive so that it adapts well to all the Screen Sizes. The Sliders and Carousels support Touch Swipe Support so when you are using your Touchscreen Mobile Device or a Tablet, you get to interact with the touch of your Fingers. We have given special attention to all the Elements so that they work well in all the Screens.